


The Carpenters - Top Of The World  





1.your  favorite sports
swimming,jogging,dancing,softball,bowling,taking table tennis and badminton,riding bike,volleyball...

2.adjectives that describe a person whom admire

3.cities that you would like to visit

Guan(關島),Bhutan(不丹),Beijing,Macau(澳門),Tokyo,Oskao(大板),Seoul,Inchon(仁川),Paris,Berlin(柏林),Switzerland(瑞士),Sweden(瑞典),Honolul(Hawaii首都譚香山),Chicago,Nepal,Hokkaido(北海道),Boston,Vancouver(溫哥華),San franscisco(舊金山),San Diego(聖地牙哥),Caribbean sea,Hong kong,Nagoya(名古屋),Venice(威尼斯),Florence,Rome,Lodon...

4.charactersitics that describe (name of this city)

beautiful,glamorous,fabulous beaches and mountains

5.things you did this morning

drink milk,eat breakfast,drink water,surf the Internet,read the book,exercise,

6.things that make you happy

Traveling,Swimming,Making new friends,Listening to music,Watching movies,Shopping

7.adjectives that describe the people in your country





1.The form of modal auxiliaries
Auxiliary+The simple form of a verb

I have to go to cram school tommorrow.
I must see my dentist.
Could you please turn on the TV?
May I borrow your pen?
I ought to go to  the bank this afternoon.

2.Expressing ability : can and could
Can expresses ability in the present or future.

I can meet you at Jhongli train station.

3.Expressing possibility: May and Might
May and Might express possibility in the present or future.


It may rain tomorrow.
It might rain tomorrow.

A: It's 11 already o'colck. Why isn't  becky here yet?
B: I don't know. She may be sick today /Maybe she is sick.


Polite Questions :
May/Could I/Can I  ...
Would/Could/Will/Can you  ...

Possible Answers :
Yes. Of course. Yes, Certainly.
Certainly. I'd be happy to. Of course. I'd be glad to.


Searching for paradise on Palawan

It isn't hard to find paradise on the island of Palawan in the Philippines.
I found it on the third day of my vacation. I'd ridden my bicycle for two days down a terrible rocky road.
Then I got my reward - the blue ocean and beautiful beaches of Sabang. Sabang is famous for the Underground River. At eight kilometers, it is one of the longest river caves in the world. To get there,
I hiked along the Monkey Trail. Mosquitoes ate me alive but I saw monkeys and giant monitor lizards.My next stop was Port Barton, another beautiful and peaceful beach town. It's a great please to relax, visit waterfalls, and take a tour of the mangrove swamps. My guide rowed the boat. All I had to do was take pictures.

Definition--something that you recieve because you have done somthing good or helpful
My sentence--He got the reward because he worked hard.

Definition--series of marks that is left by something as it moves and that shows where it has been 
Yahoo's sentence--The hounds found the trail of the fox.

Definition--living; not dead
My sentence--I am still alive.
Definition--a book, magazine, etc. that gives you information, help or instructions about something
My sentence--I used the map as guide to find my way back.


Academy Award 奧斯卡金像獎
mangrove 紅樹林
swamp 沼澤

reward vs prize

[reward]" something that you recieve because you have done somthing good or helpful"

ex: She recieved 100US dollars as a reward for her services

[ prize ] "something that is given to someone who is successful in competition, race, game"

ex: First prize was a weekend for two in Paris! 頭獎是巴黎周末二人遊



在北美洲或者英國,時常將樹林內的小徑,稱之為 trail。每個城市內都有很多小徑 Trail,供市民使用,作為晨運、單車路徑。因此 trail是個大家熟悉的用詞,也可以形容為一連串行程,例如: tourist trail (遊客的遊覽路線)。

新聞工作者或專欄作家在報導大選活動時,便採用 trail 形容為一連串的大選活動或者競選活動,例如: election trail/campaign trail。

這裡所說的活動包括辯論會debates, 提名大會nominating conventions, 競選廣告 campaign advertising, 以及競選演說 campaign speeches 等等。當然,競選的行程也包括在campaign trail 內。

根據Longman 英文字典的解釋,trail 是 一群人組成特定目標的團體所參觀的各個地方便稱之為 trail 。 (all the places that a particular group of people visit for a particular purpose.)

CNN 電視台為了讓政治節目大眾化,便採用通俗的詞句
,將大選的時事節目稱之為Campaign Trail ,中文可翻譯為「大選歷程」或「競選活動歷歷在目」。



On the road out of Port Barton, my bicycle really came in handy. Trucks and buses sank into deep mud and got stuck. I just picked up my bike and carried it through the mud. Nothing stops a mad on a bicycle. Days of adventure and hard cycling brought me to the town of Taytay. From my bungalow on the hill, I looked down on a big stone fort. This fort was built by the Spanish in 1667. It was a good place to learn about the history of the Philippines. One more day of cycling got me to E1 Nido, the jewel of Palawan. Before I'd even unpacked my bags, I hopped on a boat for the sunset tour. A cold drink and colorful sunset were the perfect end to a perfect day.

Synonym--go down
Definition--to go down below the surface or towards the bottom of a liquid or soft substance
My sentence--The ship sank.

Definition--an unusual, exciting or dangerous experience, journey or series of events
My sentence--Tom just had a exciting adventure.


bungalow (屋前或周圍有平台的)平房,小房
fort 要塞,堡壘(=fort,stronghold)

GO ** GO-------------- END


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