

但 真的沒有靈感,每次都要想好久才能寫完,害我有點小挫折,


Directions: Create three sentences about the activity shown in each picture. Work in pairs, in group, or as a class.

Sentence 1: Describe what the person in the picture is doing.
Sentence 2: Describe what this person probably does this activeity. 
Sentence 3:Make a general statement or two about this activity.


Sentence 1: The man in the picture is swimming.

Sentence 2: He is swimming in the swimming pool. If he is a swimmer,he probably swims every day.  If he isn't swimmer, he probably swims once or twice a week.

Sentence 3: People swim for enjoyment and exercise. Swimming is good for health and fitness.

接著就能列出你的Topic Sentence,
"Swimming is good for our health"  Swimming is probably the best  form of all round activity for people...
再進一步寫出Supporting Sentences>>發揮想像力,詳細描述細節和照片背景
...It can improve your breathing and....
最後寫出能呼應主題的Concluding Sentence>>做完結語END
....So, we should start a sport like swimming.




Yani Tseng recently shot 11-under 277 at the British Open, one of the four LPGA major competitions, and won the championship by one stroke. Besides being her third personal LPGA majorvictory, she is the fifth in Asia and the first in Taiwan to win this title.

The British Open is the last of the four LPGA major competitions held this year. This year,144 players participated to
compete for the USD 2.5 million in prize money. On the last day of the competition, Yani Tseng still had a four stroke lead. After Australian contender Hull continued to catch up, Yani Tseng could only maintain a one shot lead.
Fortunately, Hull also did not play well in the final hole

 Synonym-- win/triumph/success
 Definition-- success in a game
 My sentence-- It wan't easy,but he won the victory ./Every struggle is victory.
 Synonym--  competetor 
 Definition-- a person who takes part in a competition or tries to win something  
 My sentence--  She's a contender but i'm not worried about her at all.
Synonym-- hit
Definition-- an act of hitting a ball
My sentence-- Not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck. (賽翁失馬,焉知非福 )



stroke有 "打" 和 "擊" 的意思, 不過通常是當名詞來用, 像是"打", 和 "襲" 這個動作,

1.敲鐘 -> stroke of a bell
2.突然而來的撞擊 -> a stroke of lighting(閃電)
3.突然來的好運 -> a stroke of luck
4.時間的表示 -> at the stoke of midnight (當子夜來臨的那一刻)


如果用在運動上, 就是打球的那動作,
當動詞來用的時候, 大致上來說最常用的是這兩個意思>>

1. 畫線
2. 用手撫, 如 撫貓 -> to stroke a cat

P.S Stroke也有中風的意思


Strike 常被用在棒球和保齡球中,
通常都當動詞用,有"打" , "攻擊" , 或 "撞到" 的意思,

1.用手或是用武器打人或東西 -> He
strikes with a club
2.被子彈打到 -> was struck by a bullet
3.被東西K到 -> was struck by something
4.被閃電擊到 -> got struck by lightning
5.撞到桌子 -> to strike against the desk
6.軍隊攻擊 -> the military starts to strike their enemy

---------------------8/4 end--------------------



My motto in life is : NO REGRETS

  I know sometimes it is very difficult to make decisions in life - about where to go, what to do, which career path to choose. but that's what makes life so exciting!! if you have no choices at all, then life is boring. So considering yourself very lucky to have these options.

  Once you make any decision, no matter what it is, do not look back. proceed with that decision 100%. if you keep wondering what if, or what would happen if you had done something else, then, you will waste all of your time thinking about that, and not really enjoying or putting your effort into what you did decide to do

所以我也要好好充實自己,努力實現自己的目標! Enjoy my Life : ))


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